4 Ways to Turn Off the Sharp AC Timer

Generally, users turn the AC on and off by pressing the on and off button. However, most modern air conditioners are equipped with a timer feature.

When this feature is activated, the device can turn off or on according to a predetermined time. Of course, this makes it easier to use, especially if you forget to turn off the AC timer. 

Unfortunately, there are times when the timer time set is incorrect. In this case, if you use a Sharp AC brand, you can follow the steps below on how to turn off the Sharp AC timer

1. How to turn off the Sharp AC timer with a remote flip

You can do this first option if your device uses a flip-type remote. Just like most other remotes, you need to press the right buttons to carry out the instructions on the Ubu air conditioner. So, for Sharp devices, here are the steps you can take:

  1. On the remote, press the 2ndF button
  2. Continue by pressing the ON or OFF button.

If it is activated or vice versa, a “beep” sound will be heard. This means that the timer has been turned off.

2. How to turn off the Sharp AC timer with the bar remote

You can also apply the method of turning off the Sharp AC timer with the remote bar. The steps are no less easy. Here’s the tutorial:

  1. Press the ‘ON’ button on the remote  bar, and wait until the light turns on or flashes to indicate the remote is on
  2. Press the navigation buttons up and down
  3. Continue by applying clear set to the AC remote
  4. Select the ‘ timer OFF’ option to disable the timer.

If you want to reset the timer instead of turning it off, then skip step four and replace it by setting the number according to the time you want the AC to be turned on or off. 

3. How to turn off the Sharp AC timer with a remote reset

Some users say that one way to turn off the Sharp AC timer is quite easy by resetting the remote. This way, the device will reset its settings, including eliminating the timer. Well, here’s how:

  1. First turn off the AC by pressing the  power button on the remote
  2. Press and hold the ‘Reset’ button on the remote  for a few moments
  3. When the reset process is successful, the timer icon will disappear from the AC remote screen. 

It should be noted, this method doesn’t just reset the timer, OK? However, you can also change and delete other settings that you have applied.

4. Using the cellphone remote

Don’t have a built-in AC or universal AC? No problem, if your smartphone supports it, you can install an application that can turn your cellphone into a remote.

To use it, just pair your cellphone device with AC. After both devices are connected, you can continue to turn off the Sharp AC timer via cellphone. In general, the steps will be like this:

  1. Connect the AC and cellphone as a remote 
  2. Turn on the AC via smartphone control
  3. Enter the  timer menu in the  HP remote application
  4. Select the ‘Reset’ option or reset the timer to disable it.

It’s easier to turn off the Sharp AC timer using the remote control. However, if that’s not possible, you can use a cellphone.

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